Keberadaan Pekerja Rumah Tangga (PRT) merupakan hal yang lazim di dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Permintaan dan kebutuhan akan PRT meningkat akibat kesibukan masyarakat kelas menengah ke ruang publik untuk melakukan pekerjaan domestik, yakni kerumahtanggaan. Pada kenyataannya, PRT sering mendapatkan perlakuan diskriminasi dan rentan terhadap kekerasan. Perlakuan ini dominan diterima oleh PRT perem…
Keadaan air sungai sekarang ini sangat memprihatinkan, beberapa masalah yang terjadi karena ulah manusia yaitu menjadikan suatu sungai menjadi tempat pembuangan sampah rumah tangga dan tempat pembuangan limbah industi yang semakin banyak dijumpai di pinggir-pinggir desa. Padahal fungsi sungai adalah sebagai pengaliran air dan jalan air menuju pengaliran ke laut sebagai resapan. Sungai merupakan…
This study aims to determine the Legal Efforts of Creditor on Fiduciary Collateral Objects that are Transferred with Pledge Collateral. This research is a normative legal research that is prescriptive and technical or applied. The research approach uses the law approach and case approach. The type of research data is secondary data with primary and secondary legal materials. Data collection te…
The writing of this thesis discusses the validity of the agreement for the results of raising livestock according to traditional law in the Bayem Village, Kasembon District, Malang Regency. The main issues discussed in this thesis are how the validity of the agreement for the results of raising livestock according to customary law, as well as how liability if there is a dispute in the agreement…
Marriage is an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife with the aim of forming a happy and eternal family (household) based on the Godhead. Ratification of Government Regulation No 40 of 2019 which determines the time limit for marriage registration has forgotten the existence of a faithful who has long been marriad. The validity of the marriage of the faithful beyond…
This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the directive speech acts of the watmuri community's marriage ceremony, Tanimbar, West Southeast Maluku. The data of this study are speeches in the native language of the Tanimbar community which took place in the procession of a traditional marriage ceremony that included data on directive speech acts in which they commanded, begged, gave ad…
Observing the company as a symbol of the dominant world economic system, it becomes inherently clear, its structure and function are in conflict with the protection of employers/labours law, both of which are always found gaps between das solens (the sould) and das sein (the fact), and always present discrepansies between law in the book and law in the action. In fact economic living with f…
Go-Jek is an innovation of conventional motorcycle motorcycles based on online applications managed by PT. Paket Global Semesta (PGS). This Go-Jek or Go-Jek Driver (partner) Recruitment system uses a partnership agreement system. The partnership agreement system led to the obscurity associated with the partner's position on PGS. This research may be known to the legal relationship arising o…
The writing of this thesis discusses the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes. The main issues discussed in this thesis are how the role of the village government in resolving land rights disputes that occur in the community and what obstacles are faced by the village government in the process of resolving land rights disputes. This research has a purpose and usefuln…
The development of technology in recent days may influence the lifestyle of society due to the evolution of communication media for daily activity. Recently, this evolution has started the use of technology for law service, therefore it needs legal certainty especially legal certificate that is released by cyber notary for those who require the service of notary. Cyber notary is created for mor…