Marriage is something that is very sacred and has a very sacred purpose as well, and cannot be separated from the provisions stipulated in religious law. People who carry out a marriage is not merely to satisfy the lust perched on the body and soul, but to achieve peace, tranquility and caring attitude between husband and wife based on deep affection. In carrying out a marriage must meet the ha…
This research uses empirical research methods can also be called field research that examines the applicable legal provisions by directly plunging field, the data in this study were obtained from interviews, laws and reading sources that have relevance to the problem under study. In this study the authors use the formulation of the problem of how the role of the Batu City Election Supervisory …
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pembekuan dan pembubaran organisasi kemasyarakatan sebagai upaya perlindungan, penghormatan, dan pemenuhan negara bagi hak asasi warga negara. Wacana pembekuan dan pembubaran organisasi masyarakat kembali muncul setelah maraknya Paham paham Radikalisme di Indonesia,dimana menurut pemerintah akan mengganggu stabilitas dan keamana Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia. O…