This research was conducted to determine the effect of service quality, price, and trust on customer satisfaction Telkomsel Branch Malang. Communication is an important need for society, so competition in the telecommunications industry is getting tighter, Telkomsel is the number one telecommunications company in Indonesia, of course customer satisfaction is one of the benchmarks for this achie…
This research is intended to find out the positive and significant influence of job satisfaction, work discipline, and individual and simultaneous commitment to the performance of employees of PT Telkom Akses Malang. Because the company considers the importance of discipline and commitment to the work given to each employee. Besides the need for reciprocity is job satisfaction obtained after do…
The purpose of this research is to find out how the form and content of a specific time labor agreement in its application and how the implementation of protection for workers / laborers in a certain time work agreement according to Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Labor. Based on the literature research it is concluded that: 1. The process of applying the work agreement system for a certain ti…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana modus operandi pelaku dalam kasus tindak pidana penyalahgunaan dana bantuan sosial. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pertimbangan hakim mengenai tindak pidana terhadap pelaku penyalahgunaan dana bantuan sosial di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pengadilan Negeri Manokwari. Metode pengumpulan da…
Istilah Ideologi memiliki ragam pengertian yang kompleks. Orang dapat menggunakan istilah itu untuk merujuk pengertian yang berbeda-beda. Kompleksitas pengertian ideologi tidak lepas dari pengaruh dinamika perkembangan konsep ideologi selama ribuan tahun. buku ini menunjukkan akar-akar dari konsep idelogai baik dalam konotasi positif maupun negatif. Buku ini bisa dikatakan buku pertama yang di…