TAUFIK NUR CAHYANTO, Analisis pengaruh individual capability,individual motivation, the organizational climate dan transformational leadership terhadap kinerja Penerbang TNI AU di Wing 2 Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh. Penelitian untuk menyusun tesis ini dilakukan di Satuan jajaran Wing 2 Lanud Abdulrachman Saleh yang terdiri dari Skadron Udara 4, Skadron udara 21 dan Skadron Udara 32. Dibimbin…
In everyday life, the problems faced by the Sari Nugraha Convenience Store in Malang are relatively quiet buyers. Then, the stigma of the community towards convenience stores that are still considered conventional, as well as the need for buying and selling services, especially at the Sari Nugraha Convenience Store, Malang, which need to be improved to increase sales. The purpose of creating an…
The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the relationship between self - regulation and resilience in adolescents in divorced families. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a positive relationship between self - regulation and resilience. Research subjects were 100 teenagers who had divorced parents. The scale used to measure the level of self-regulation is the self…
Salt kais machine has several disadvantages, namely, the track is still not optimal, such as the release of the track puli rotation, the problem on the blade is that when used on a geo-membrane table will damage (tear) the surface of the geo-membrane, and parts of the kais engine that have corrosion especially on rotational pulleys. For this reason, several modifications and innovations have be…