Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dengan sadar maupun tidak sadar manusia saat ini sudah terpengaruh oleh berbagai produk yang ada disekitarnya, misalnya saja sekarang sudah bermunculan berbagai model pakaian di pasaran yang dapat membuat orang berpenampilan sesuai gaya mereka masing masing atau sesuai dengan kebutuhan berpakaian yang mereka perlukan. Banyak faktor jika kita berbicara mengenai pemil…
Dating relationships will inevitably face certain phases where there is a relationship that is harmonious to the point where they are not harmonious. Extreme jealousy, possessiveness and insecurity are considered expressions of love. Condescending in public is not seen as a form of torture for women who experience violence in dating relationships, showing the characteristics of individuals with…
This study aims to prove whether tax rates and company size affect the Capital Structure of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2017-2019 period. The dependent variable used is the capital structure. The independent variables used are tax rate and company size. This study uses a purposive sampling method. A total of 13 companies were determined as samples. Thi…
Law in general has become one of the most important parts of human lives. Since people live in a society that also connect one state with another, there must be a law to bridge the international interaction with other countries. However, most of the time, because of reasons such as different political views and a power struggle over territory, it could lead up to international disputes. One of …
In the context of the implementation of regional autonomy and fiscal decentralization, local governments are given the flexibility to manage and utilize local revenue sources in accordance with the potential of the region, to implement and carry out regional autonomy in a broad, tangible and responsible manner, requires the authority and ability of the region to explore resources. own financial…
This research aims to analyze the effect of Regional Expenditure and Original Local Government Revenue toward gross regional domestic product in Malang on 2004-2018. Gross regional domestic product is defined as the sum of the added value generated by all business units in a certain area. Gross regional domestic product is also one of the important indicators to determine the economic condition…
Pertumbuhan trend pariwisata menciptakan diversifikasi usaha pariwisata di berbagai daerah. Setiap daerah berlomba – lomba memasarkan potensi daerahnya untuk menarik minat wisatawan. untuk memperkenalkan branding tempat ditentuntukan bagaiamana brand tersebut disampaikan. Branding tempat merupakan cara bagaimana pemerintah memberikan pembeda atau menanamkan informasi tentang suatu tempat di b…