Perkerasan jalan merupakan lapisan perkerasan yang terletak diantara lapisan tanah dasar dan roda kendaraan, yang berfungsi memberikan pelayanan kepada sarana transportasi. Material utama pembentuk lapisan perkerasan jalan adalah agregat, yaitu 90-95 % dari berat campuran perkerasan. Bahan pengikat seperti aspal sering dipergunakan sebagai bahan pengikat agregat agar terbentuk perkerasan ke…
This research is done to know there is don't it relationship Self is Image with Body Dysmorphic disorder on Stripling. Population that is utilized in this research is adolescent one become Pest majors college student and Plant Disease, agricultural faculty Brawijaya University Malang total one 365 college students. Sample in observational it is adolescent one constitute semester college stude…
Life filled with various unique patterns of human behavior. The one of them is talkative that is a habit to imitate an utterance or others behaviors when they are getting surprise. There are many kinds of talkative reaction, such as, repetition of words of voice which surprising them, some gestures including mimic, and mentioning some sexual organs. Talkative also happening on labor-rolled cig…