Overseas students often do not think about the risks when they are going to leave, by living far from their parents there will be many problems that will be faced, while living in a new environment, students are required to be able to adapt to their environment wherever they are. Most of the overseas students have difficulty adapting to their early years, they are more comfortable hanging out w…
PT BNI KCP Universitas Brawijaya as a company engaged in banking services still has a level of work that is not maximal in providing services, this can occur because of interpersonal communication in a poor work environment. This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal communication on employee performance in providing excellent service at PT BNI KCP Universitas Brawijaya. The appro…
TINJAUAN PSIKOLOGIS Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Kita semua berkemvbang dan memperoleh kebahagiaan hidup dalam dan lewat komunikasi antar pribadi. Pemahaman kita tentang dunia di sekeliling kita, rasa jati diri, kesehatan psikologis, kesadaran tentang baaik buruk dan internalisasi nilai - nilai, bahkan kesadaran sebagai makhluk yang merindukan Tuhan Maha Pencipta, semua itu kita peroleh dan s…
Resilience capability is a very important aspect to have in the life of every individual. Students who have good resilience skills, able to overcome the difficulties of life come at any time. Interaction among fellow students at a campus can not be avoided, the ability of resilience must -have for any student capable of adjusting in the interaction, and ideally students entering college must ha…
Interpersonal communication constitute important aspect deep one nuptials. Wife husband having communication for can mutually know, knowing couple wish that finally aims for meeting happy life in family, where ideally individual which enter nuptials the world shall have emotion maturity. Wife husband that have emotion maturity will cause each person gets to accept and understands couple, g…
Tabita Teresia Kubela, NPK 08330023, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang melakukan penelitian dengan judul ―Perilaku Komunikasi Interpersonal Pengguna Smartphone Blackberry‖, Dosen Pembimbing I Priyo Dari Molyo, Dosen Pembimbing II Saudah. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah Adanya perkembangan teknologi khususnya alat komunikasi …