KTP is a personal identity of someone who lives in a place. In accordance with Law number 23 of 2016 article 63 paragraph 1 which reads that residents of Indonesian citizens and foreigners who have a permanent residence permit who are seventeen years old or have married or have been married are required to have a KTP. According to Siswosoediro (2008: 30): Identity card (KTP) is a general identi…
Public service is one of the important tasks that cannot be ignored by the local government, because if the service component stagnates, it is almost certain that all factors will have a bottleneck, therefore there needs to be good planning and even needs to be formulated by the central government in the local government. the e-KTP program pilot project Lowokwaru sub-district has not been runni…
Pelayanan publik merupakan salah satu tugas penting yang tidak dapat diabaikan oleh pemerintah daerah, sebab jika komponen pelayanan terjadi stagnasi maka hampir dipastikan semua sektor akan berdampak kemacetan, oleh sebab itu perlu ada perencanaan yang baik dan bahkan perlu diformulasikan standar pelayanan pada masyarakat sesuai dengan kewenangan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah pusat pada pem…